Dnyan Ganga Degree and Junior college library was established in 2007 along with the college. It is a great source of one’s information and recreation needs. It is a treasure trove of knowledge with diverse collection of books, journals, newspapers, dictionaries, encyclopedias and CDs in various subjects. It is a setup of a 3000 sq ft enormous spacious section having a 100-seater reading room. It occupies a prominent place in the college. It has a clean, airy and pleasant vibe to it.
1. Library Committee:-
To make the library more learner-centric and user friendly the college has constituted a Library Advisory Committee. It facilitates effective and smooth governance of the Library. It provides guidance and framework for overall development of library. Periodic meeting are held to improve library services and collection.
Library committee Members-
Name of the member | Designation |
Dr. Mrs. Bhavika Karkera - Principal | Chairperson |
Mrs. Ruta Burkule - Librarian | Secretary |
Mrs. Shubha Shah – Asst. Prof. | Faculty member |
Mrs. Avantika Deshpande – Asst. Prof. | Faculty member |
Mr. Deepak Kadre | Support Staff |
Ms. Shreya Gupta - SYBMS | Student representative |
2. Library Timing:-
Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Library is closed on Sunday and all public holidays.
3. Rules and Regulations:-
- Library cards will be issued to each student.
- Students should carry their library card while entering the library.
- Students can borrow one textbook and one reference book for seven days on their library card
- Students will be charged a fine of Rs.2/per day if they do not return the book on or before the due date.
- Students have to pay Rs.50/- for duplicate library card.
- In case of book loss, students have to replace the book with the same author and publisher and the latest edition or have to pay the price of the book.
- Id card along with the book card should be kept at the issue counter for reading books in the reading room.
- Journals and newspapers are for current reading and not for home issue.
- Students are requested to maintain complete silence in the library.
- Use of Mobiles phones is not allowed in the library.
4. Library Collection:-
- 6500+ books including textbooks, general and reference books.
- 22 print journals on different subjects in English and Marathi language.
- 8 newspapers in English, Hindi and Marathi Languages.
General English language dictionary and dictionaries in business, computer,
Encyclopedias on various subjects (Education, science and Technology, sports etc.)
Latest general Knowledge books
Our Leader – Series of biographies of Indian historians and social workers (Hindi and English).
Separate section for competitive examination books.
5. Library Facilities:
- The library is on the fifth floor of the college building. Reading room in the library accommodates about 100 readers. The students have to show their identity cards and library card while entering the reading room.
- The library has been providing Internet services to its readers. One separate computer is kept for students to access the internet and OPAC.
- Students are updated with newspaper clippings and other informative material on a daily basis.
- Syllabus copies and previous years question papers are also provided to students for their reference.
- A separate room is provided to teachers for studies and research work.
6. Library Activities:-
- Library Orientation:
An orientation program is held for all new students (Junior and UG) at the beginning of every academic year to explain rules and regulations, collection, activities and facilities provided by the library.
- Book Exhibition:
Library organizes periodic book exhibitions to make students aware of its collection.
- Vasant Panchami:
On the occasion of Vasant Panchami, the library organizes a program to offer prayers to Goddess Sarasvati. Various cultural programs are held on this occasion.
- Celebration of National and International days:
Various activities are conducted by the library to celebrate the following days. These activities encourage students to read and help to inculcate reading habits in them.
- Marathi Bhasha Divas
- World Book and Copyright Day
- National Books Lovers Day
- National Librarians Day
- Reading Motivation Day
7. List of open access resources:-
- E PG Patashala: https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/
- Swayam: https://swayam.gov.in/
- Shodhganga: https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
- NPTEL: https://nptel.ac.in/
- E-Gyankosh: https://egyankosh.ac.in/
- National Digital Library of India: https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
- Science Open: https://www.scienceopen.com/
- Grammarly : https://www.grammarly.com/
- NCERT : https://ncert.nic.in/
- मराठी विज्ञान परिषद पत्रिका: https://mavipa.org/
- Directory of open access books (DOAB): https://www.doabooks.org/
- Directory of open access journals (DOAJ): https://doaj.org
- Shodh Ganga – https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
- महाराष्ट्र राज्य साहित्य संस्कृती इ – पुस्तके: https://sahitya.marathi.gov.in/
- Project Gutenberg – https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/
- Noble Prize – https://www.nobelprize.org/
- Indian Academy of Science – https://www.ias.ac.in/Home/
- Library of congress Digital collection – https://www.loc.gov/collections/
- Internet Archives – https://archive.org/
- Sahitya Pratishthan – http://www.esahity.com/
- Fellows of Indian Academy of Science – https://fellows.ias.ac.in/
- Shiksha – https://www.shiksha.com/
- Rare Book Society of India – https://www.rarebooksocietyofindia.org/